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Monday, April 30, 2012

Call Of Duty

Call of Duty, or CoD is a very popular series of first person shooters.  The reason I'm generalizing it to just Call of Duty and not talking about the individual games as much is because all of the games are basically the same.  There are some minor differences, like how you unlock attachments for your weapons or how many prestiges you can go up to, but that doesn't really affect the game that much.  I used to play CoD and I used to be a huge fan of it, but then I started getting bored of doing the same things over and over again without much in the way of new feature in the games.

One other thing about CoD is the quality of the single player, or the lack thereof.  It is extremely incoherent as you randomly skip between countries that you are in and the character that you are playing as.  Most of the time, one has no idea what they are doing and just blindly follow the objectives that pop up on their screen.

Don't get me wrong, the Call of Duty series can be fun to play from time to time, but I just don't like that they have the same game published over and over again, and that you have to keep buying it, over and over again.  What I mean is, that it can have fun playing it for a couple weeks at a time, but I go months without even looking at any of the CoD disks that I own.

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